In cows, retention of placenta (ROP) is one of the most common periparturient conditions occurring in the post-partum and is defined as the failure to expel the placenta or foetal membranes within 24 h of calving by the cow itself. Prevention and control of this disorder is very important from health and production and economic point of view than treating the affected animals. In order to prevent occurrence of ROP, the dairy animals should be fed with high energy and protein diet to overcome the negative energy balance, calcium and phosphorus should be in the ratio of 1.5:1, selenium at 0.08 and 0.07 mg/kg in dry period and period approximately 3 weeks before calving periods in diet by parental route along with vitamin E at the rate of 500 IU/cow/day, injection of vitamin A/β-carotene i.e. injection of β-carotene at 600 mg/cow per day to the animal before parturition. Along with good and balanced nutritious ration during the 45-60 day dry period, proper manage mental practices like maintaining a healthy, properly conditioned cow prior to, during and after parturition, daily exercise, clean, dry and comfortable calving areas, and proper sanitation during the calving period minimize the occurrences of ROP significantly.